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Writing Samples

The Chair in Room 119: A Choreographic Exploration of Locked-In Syndrome (UF Honors Thesis)
ABSTRACT Jean-Dominique Bauby, author of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, was the first to write on living with locked-in syndrome...
Fighting FIRES with Cannabis
The non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, cannabidiol (CBD), has made headlines as a potential treatment for severe epilepsy. A study...

Neurotechnology in motion
Published by the National Association of Science Writers (NASW) at BOSTON —...
Caffeine, Your Everyday Psychostimulant
If you wander into a college library on a weekday around midnight, you’ll be met with the following scene: Students occupy every table,...
The Science Behind “Tuning Things Out”
Published by Tampa Bay Parenting at You’ve probably...
Series on Molecular Cuisine – Pt. 2
Molecular Cuisine: Considering the Chemical Senses in Culinary Practice Pt. 2 – Tasting – with your nose? In order to understand the...
Series on Molecular Cuisine – Pt. 1
Molecular Cuisine: Considering the Chemical Senses in Culinary Practice Pt. 1 – Molecular WHAT? Vaporizers, rotary evaporators,...
Study Reveals How the Brain Compensates for Injuries
About 1 in 10 babies in the U.S. is born prematurely, according to the National Institutes of Health. Premature babies are born having...
Artificial Sweeteners and Your Brain
Artificial sweeteners were developed incidentally but are now commonly used in food and beverage production. Saccharin, discovered at...
Tell me again that I’m a “bodymind”
As a dance major, you delve into more obscure and philosophical topics of conversation than an outsider might expect. You find yourself...
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